You have decided that you would like to learn to perform endoscopic instrumental assessments such as the Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation ofSwallowing (FEES) or Videostroboscopy. Perhaps an excellent consultantprovides your workplace with detailed FEES or Videostroboscopyevaluation reports, and you would like to better understand theanatomical and physiological findings they describe. Maybe you arealready completing these assessments and would like to hone yourinterpretation and evaluation report writing skills. Well, this is the rightresource to help with this endeavor.
The first edition of this series – Detailed Surface Anatomy for the SpeechPathologist- Endoscopist, described the incredibly detailed and intricatesurface landmarks of the larynx and pharynx frequently used in theotolaryngology/laryngology fields. With the knowledge of normalanatomy, you will not only be able to describe the locations of laryngeal/pharyngeal anomalies but also to describe their characteristics andeffectively point the treating Speech Pathology and medical professionalsto the locations of these findings.
Let’s begin…
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